Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - ET

Venable LLP

Investments in Professional Practice Management ’22: Challenges and Opportunities

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An experienced panel will discuss the state of middle-market healthcare investment in professional practice management businesses and the deal environment in general. They will describe the dynamics of navigating major issues that have arisen as a result of the hypercompetitive market, pandemic-related operational and financial hangover challenges, and how to find the right professional partners. The panelists will also address what’s hot and what’s not in specific subspecialties, transaction structures, professional partner investment, developments in valuations, potential for exits, growth capacity, and other significant issues.


Ari Markenson, Partner, Venable LLP


Roy Bejarano, Co-Founder and CEO, SCALE Healthcare

Andrew Colbert, Senior Managing Director, Ziegler

Dr. Bede Broome, Managing Director, Assured Healthcare Partners