Venable is a go-to firm for complex antitrust class action litigation, civil and criminal government investigations, mergers, strategic counseling, and compliance training. On the class action litigation front, we always aim to win in the early stages of the case, such as defeating class certification, and have, but we also have a proven record of winning at summary judgment and at trial.
When it comes to antitrust government enforcement, our team is adept at defending clients in civil and criminal conduct or merger investigations, aggressively advocating throughout the process to narrow the scope of exhaustive discovery demands and to get the investigation swiftly closed. Moreover, our team is highly skilled in defending against criminal cartel charges, leading prosecutions, and conducting complex investigations involving corporations and individuals accused of antitrust violations.
We also guide clients through challenges that arise in the merger context. This includes shepherding transactions through the antitrust agencies, advising on the competitive implications of proposed transactions, negotiating antitrust provisions in transaction documents, assisting with due diligence, setting up and monitoring “clean teams,” advising on potential gun jumping issues, and preparing Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) filings for submission to the agencies.
Notably, the firm serves as the antitrust advisor to a federal special master overseeing the first privately ordered divestiture in a merger challenge resulting from years of litigation.
Venable also offers targeted compliance programs and provides customized training on the antitrust laws to help clients proactively minimize antitrust risk. Whatever the issue, clients depend on Venable as their full-service provider of practical antitrust solutions.